SCS Vivekanada Vrukshalaya (Miyawaki Garden)
Free Medical Camp for poor patients
Community Welfare
Community welfare initiatives by SCS Hospital spring forth effortlessly & are carried forward tirelessly year after year. SCS has conducted several free diabetes detection camps. Also, general healthcare & cure camps for the masses along with free camps for the less privileged have been incessantly carried out since three decades. Our team of doctors including our Managing Director himself are at the forefront in conducting these camps with a large number of patients availing the facility. Every year, a large number of scholarships are distributed to meritorious students in need of financial assistance to pursue their studies- several of these students whom we have offered timely financial assistance through scholarships have risen to become successful professionals & individuals.

Our commitment, dedication & vision to be the catalysts of a better tomorrow steers these activities towards fruition & completion.
- SCS Hospital Foundation established in 1987, dedicated for providing healthcare to underprivileged section of society. The Foundation has provided thousands of people with free services ranging from check-up programmes to life-saving surgery for patients with various issues.
- Urban & Rural Medical Camps.
- Healthcare through Rural School Adoption Programmes.
- Scholarships to students of weaker section of society.
- Free Medical Camps open to all are Conducted on Regular Basis.
- Cultivation & Maintenance of herbal gardens that aid in the manufacturing of life saving drugs and remedies that support natural cure and healing.
- Donations to central and state government’s relief funds on regular basis.
Recent activities:
On 22nd October 2020, The annual scholarship distribution program in memory of Late S. Chandrashekar (Founder Chairman – S.C.S Hospital) was held at S.C.S Hospital for the deserving students. The Joint Commissioner of Mangalore City Corporation – Dr. Santhosh Kumar, K.A.S, distributed scholarships to the children’s along with educational books for the children’s to read and be inspired. The CMD of S.C.S Hospital Dr.Jeevaraj Sorake was present on the occasion along with the entire team of S.C.S Hospital.

Swach Bharath Abhiyana By The CMD & Staff Members Of SCS Hospital In The District Leprosy Control Office Premises, District Blindness Prevention Office Premises, Disctrict Mental Health & Wellness Programme Office Premises. This is one of the many places in and around Dakshina Kannada district where our staff members including nurses, painters, doctors & administrative personnel joined hands to clean up and beautify; Led By Our Dynamic CMD – as Public Hygiene is very important for Health upkeep.
A beautiful environment creates a beautiful mindset and gives happiness to all people-not only is the environment beautified but our own health improves significantly in a clean and pristine environment. Our team has come together in many such Swach Bharath Abhiyana awareness drives in the true spirit of service to one’s Nation.
CMD of SCS Hospital, Dr. Jeevaraj Sorake and Manager Mr. J. Padmanabha handed over a cheque of ₹. 5 lakh towards the PM CARES – Covid-19 relief fund to Dakshina Kannada Deputy Commissioner Sindhu B Rupesh.
Free Vascular Medical Camp was held on February 2nd 2020 at SCS Hospital. Many patients took benefits of this vascular camp and were screened by vascular surgeon Dr. Naren Shetty for various vascular related health conditions like Gangrene limbs, Peripheral vascular diseases, Varicose veins, Diabetic foot ulcers, AV Fistula, Pseudoaneurysm, Deep vein thrombosis. Vascular ulcers (non-healing) and AV malformation.
25 Free Fatty Liver Screening Camps have been organized by the hospital. These camps were very beneficial to the needy patients and general public. Hundreds of needy patients have benefited from these camps which are conducted from time to time. Thorough screening and evaluation was done by the Superspecialist and Doctors for the benefit of the attendees.
Future Camps: Owing to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the proposed free medical camps have been deferred. General public and patients will be notified via newspaper and social media as and when the free medical camps conducted by the hospital resume.